Present Yourself To The World As The Leader You Were Born To Be!
Practice excellence in all you DO, SAY, & WEAR.
Tomorrow's Leaders Today practice excellence in what we DO, SAY, and WEAR!
Communication that is honoring, encouraging, and honest.
Relationships that are platonic (emotionally and physically).
Attitudes that have a CAN DO SPIRIT.
Time management where EARLY IS ON TIME.
Engaging in preparation for success.
Full-on TEAM building and conflict resolution.
Culture of safety at all times and in all places during TLT training.
Behavior that shows respect as it relates to:
Yourself, Other Participants, Mentors, Support Staff, Facilitators, Guest Speakers, Hotel Staff, Guests & Property
TLT maintains a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for students who choose to bring the following items or participate in the following practices:
Leaving premises without the supervision of their Mentor or other IMPACT Team member for any reason
Foul language /cursing /blatant verbal disrespect /bullying /critical name-calling
Physical violence of any type (pushing, shoving, hitting, etc.)
Distractions from clothing choices that expose chest/cleavage, waist/stomach area/upper hips, or upper portion of the thigh as well as clothing that is skin tight.
Romantic /flirtatious/ sexual activity NOTE: previous relationships should be non-physical during TLT CON
Electronics (best to leave at home: apple watches, tablets, laptops, gaming devices)
Drinking / Drugs / Smoking of any kind (including vaping)
Pornography or any other inappropriate viewing or reading materials
Items that can inflict harm or cause accidents (weapons, matches, lighters)
Property damage
Should a student decide not to comply, their parent or guardian will be immediately alerted, and a plan of action will be determined.